You'll also find an overview of all the shops and restaurants and various event and day trip options at the airport. Looking for the definition of VIE? info), English: canton of Basel-City, French: canton de Bâle-Ville, Italian: Cantone di Basilea Città, Romansh: chantun Basilea-Citad) is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland, and the smallest of the cantons by area.The city of Basel and the municipalities of Bettingen and Riehen form its territory. die bestehenden Zweifel konnten nicht ausgeräumt werden (Symbol und Beobachtung NICHT öffentlich sichtbar) You'll find answers to all of these questions here, as well as an overview of other useful information and news about airport operations. Länder und Regionen nach Kürzel A Österreich AB Antigua/Barbuda AD Abu Dhabi AFG Afghanistan AFN Nordafrika AFO Ostafrika AFR Afrika AFS Südafrika AFW Westafrika AFZ Zentralafrika AL Algerien ALB … German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. AB-G oder AB-GSG = Ab­roll­be­häl­ter Ge­fahr­gut (Ge­fähr­li­che Stof­fe und Gü­ter) .

Are you picking someone up from the airport?

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