RR Lyrae variable: | | ||| | The RR Lyrae variable stars fall in a particular ... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. RR Lyrae is a pulsating variable star in the constellation Lyra.It is the model for the variable stars known as RR Lyrae variables.It pulses over a short cycle of 13 hours, 36 minutes. They lie in the instability strip of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and suffer instabilities that cause their size to periodically change. They belong to the broad Population II class of stars ( see Populations I and II) and are found mainly in the thick disk and halo of the Milky Way Galaxy and often in globular cluster s. RR Lyrae are variable, horizontal branch stars with periods ranging from a few hours to 2 days, and optical brightnesses that typically vary between 0.3 and 2 magnitudes. The effective temperature of an HB star's outer envelope will gradually increase over time. When its resulting stellar classification enters a range known as the instability strip—typically at stellar class A—the outer e… Energy is now being produced by the thermonuclear fusion of helium at its core, and the star has entered an evolutionary stage called the horizontal branch (HB). RR Lyrae star, any of a group of old giant star s of the class called pulsating variables ( see variable star) that pulsate with periods of about 0.2–1 day. This type of low-mass star has consumed the hydrogen at its core, evolved away from the main sequence, and passed through the red giant stage.

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