As head of the rising House of Habsburg during the first half of the 16th century, his dominions in Europe included the Holy Roman Empire, extending from Germany to northern Italy with direct rule over the Austrian hereditary lands and the Burgundian Low Countries, and a unified Spain with its sou… The famous “Habsburg jaw” was a severe underbite; Charles’ was so intense that he … Although this king was granted the right to run a large and powerful kingdom, he is remembered as an infirm ruler, thanks to … His intellect was similarly disabled.

During his lifetime Charles ran a vast and powerful kingdom, although he will be remembered as the last ruler of Habsburg Spain and the one with very severe health difficulties due to several generations of royal inbreeding. His Habsburg jaw stood so much out that his two rows of teeth could not meet; he was unable to chew. 39. As a result of Charles’ inbreeding, he was severely deformed.

Charles V (24 February 1500 – 21 September 1558) was Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria from 1519, King of Spain (Castile and Aragon) from 1516, and Lord of the Netherlands as titular Duke of Burgundy from 1506.

His tongue was so large that he was barely able to speak.

Here is an excerpt from an online biography of Charles II: The Habsburg King Carlos II of Spain was sadly degenerated with an enormous misshapen head.
As the only surviving male heir of his father's two marriages, Charles was named Prince of Asturias, the title given to the person first in line to the Spanish throne.The Spanish branch of the Habsburg royal family was noted for extreme consanguinity. King Charles II of Spain by Juan Carreño de Miranda . King Charles’ Was Known as El Hechizado.

Habsburg Spain dissolved on November 1, 1700, following the death of its last, and probably the most infamous, ruler of all: Charles II of Spain. Born in 1661, King Charles II of Spain was the last Habsburg ruler of the country.

King Charles (Carlos) II of Spain was the last Habsburgs ruler of Spain, and thankfully so. Charles II became King of Spain …

Charles II of Spain was born November 6, 1661 … King Charles II, painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda, 1685. Perhaps the most infamous of them all was Charles II of Spain. He was tragically ugly through no fault of his own, but due to the desire of his family to maintain their bloodline. In fact, modern researchers widely state that generations of inbreeding among the Spanish Habsburgs caused their downfall.

Charles was born in the Spanish capital, Madrid, the son of Philip IV of Spain and his second wife, Mariana of Austria (also known as Maria Anna). Born into a family whose inbreeding was of epic proportions, he suffered severe deformities that led to him being known as El Hechizado, the bewitched.

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