No, I'm not done with this one yet. faq about contact follow twitter facebook. Examples: –Watch any Zuko fight. You see, I am still coping with the fact that this movie was so unbelievably craptastic that I've been thinking of ways to make this movie enjoyable for my friends who haven't seen it yet, or if I … Because the planet’s environment is toxic, human / Na’vi hybrids, called Avatars, must connect people’s mind to allow free movement on Pandora. Aang goes into the avatar state or has a hallucination ; Katara bloodbends; Zuko fights for the good side; Toph punches sokka; Sokka cries; Switch Drinks. Time to party. Drinking game for Avatar: The Last Airbender: . Drinking Cinema: Movie Drinking Games That Hammer Ass. The four nations of Air, Water, Earth and Fire lived in harmony until the Fire Nation declared war. Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015) Drinking Game Black Panther (2018) Drinking Game Aliens (1986) Drinking Game Alien (1979) Drinking Game Terminator Genisys (2017) Drinking Game I'm playing @DrinkWhen's Avatar (2009) Drinking Game. Drinking game for Avatar: The Last Airbender: Take a sip every time someone mentions Aang is the Avatar., Any time honor or tea are mentioned, take a swig., Take a drink whenever a guy is shirtless., Take a shot every time Zuko hits the floor. Watch Zuko go down. Avatar: The Last Airbender Drinking Game Short about the Series. Drinking Cinema is a continually updated database of movie drinking games, striving to enhance cinema through the majesty of alcohol. Take a drink whenever Zuko get slammed into something. Take a shot for the Frothy Mouth Fanboy. On the lush alien world of Pandora, Na’vi lives creatures that seem primitive but are highly developed. A drinking game for Avatar, you say? A century later, there is still no end in sight to the destruction, then, an Avatar named Aang discovers that … Take two if he appears more than twice in the same episode. Avatar Drinking Game Short about the movie.

Green tea or matcha shots is recommended; should alcohol be used, green tea shots note or apple-green tea cocktail are recommended. Avatar Kyoshi shows up; All main characters are in a shot (toph, aang, katara, sokka, zuko) Fire Lord Ozai talks about a …

I need a "The Last Airbender" drinking game I realize this is the worst movie ever to hit the screen, i've read the reviews and am prepared to have my childhood memories of the cartoon crushed. Not that I would ever recommend being too drunk to appreciate ATLA, but if all you have in your house is whiskey and your ATLA DVDs, then, well… 1. ATLA Drinking Game(s)! How drunk will I get? The Last Airbender Drinking Game!

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